
This morning, the big Working Cloth news is that you’ll be seeing more of me in your inbox. Every Monday, I’ll send out a quick, free round up of the best things I encounter each week.

They’ll be mostly clothing and quilt related, but not always. So without further ado:

The Best Bits.

I love playing the New York Times Connections Game. Then I do the easy Sudoku. Always in that order.

Everything on Mrs. Depew Vintage. But especially this children’s dress with a watermelon yoke.

And this gown that is meant to make you look like a tulip.

Wally Dion’s quilts. How have I only just found out about these?! The mind boggles.

Vermouth and soda over ice with an orange slice and an olive.

Woven Histories. I keep thinking about this and what it means for textile art and artists, if anything. I won’t be able to go see it, but I wish I could.

I can however, go see Judy Chicago: Revelations at the Serpentine. And I will revel in the revelations.

You’ve made it to the end, so here is a little treat. All of my patterns are now free. You can download the smocked top here and the quilts here.

Please tag me (@working_cloth) if you post the things that you make, as I always love to see (and share) them.

Finally, spread the word. If you enjoy this newsletter, forward it along to someone else who might. 




Red Work


Sweet Summer things