Red Work

Many good things happened this week.  

My friend Nettie sent me a link to a free quilting club every Wednesday night in Seven Sisters. They quilt buildings. I’m going to have to start attending.

I went to Art After Hours and toured around three galleries in Soho. Despite living in a city filled with it, I don’t get out to see art that much and am sometimes freaked out by the gallery scene. This was a nice antidote.

I’ve been looking at a lot of tonal embroidery lately. Which led me down the rabbit hole to this history of redwork. I’m particularly into this card table cover. And this ruffly quilt. And these vintage patterns.


Chaka Khan (needs no introduction).

Matthew Halsall (instantly relaxing jazz). Makes your life feel like a spiritual retreat. Go on, be soothed.

Hot and cold tomato salad.

This woman and her bedsheet dress. The puffed-up clouds that are these red leather Kkerele sandals.

My patterns are still free (and will be for the foreseeable future), and I’m teaching at the New Craft House and at West Dean College next month.

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