Word of Mouth

This week, my friends sent me some excellent recommendations:

Jennifer Cunningham told me about the The Loose Ends Project, which finishes craft projects loved ones have left behind. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Zoe Miller told me about legendary curator Thomas P. Campbell talking about tapestries in 2012. It’s worth a watch.

Michael Tomlinson told me about Robyn’s Rocket at cafe OTO, a series of gigs featuring artists with and without learning disabilities and autism. It’s designed to be inclusive and fun (and they have badges you can turn up or down depending on whether or not you’d like to talk to people, which I think would be quite useful in day-to-day life).

In turn, I’d recommend:

Pacita Abad’s quilted paintings.

This 1876 book on making brooms on a large or small scale. Take your pick.

And this (more recent) broom making instructional video.

Visiting lavender fields.

An extremely thorough analysis of all the ice cream London has to offer.

(Inspired, I am making a pilgrimage to Saffron Juice and and Ice Cream Bar in Finchley for a date with myself this week).

Tom Daley’s Olympic Knit.

Short movies.

The Photo: One final recommendation. KC Cafe and Takeaway in Wellington, New Zealand. Photo snapped by my partner, who went because food writer Lucy Corry (who also happens to be his aunt) told him to. And it’s a good thing he listened. If you go, get the deep fried squid.


Surrealism and Stone Fruit


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